Friday, 14 February 2025

Acrylic Manufacturing : Complete set of round hole milling drills

Complete set of round hole milling drills

Mill round holes in acrylic glass.
A huge variety of diameters available - from 16 to 150 mm with Serrox round hole milling drills!

Your benefits at a glance:

Round hole milling drill in the diameter of your choice
⌧ Select the milling hole diameter from 16 to 30mm in 1mm increments.
⌧ 10mm shank diameter
⌧ fits into any commercially available drill or cordless screwdriver
⌧ Can be used on site and in the workshop
⌧ Chip removal to the outside especially for acrylic glass
⌧ very good guidance due to center drill
⌧ Easy removal of the drill core by spring ejection
⌧ Long service life due to carbide-tipped tools
⌧ Precise breakthrough through stop ring for material up to 12mm
⌧ Other diameters up to 150mm available - price on request
Underwater drilling with the supplied set
- Drill underwater - even on the construction site!
Limiting attachment transparent
⌧ The limiting attachment encloses the bore and holds the coolant.
⌧ waterproof and leak-proof
⌧ transparent for precise tracking of the drilling process
⌧ Better occupational safety through protection against chips and protection against intrusion
Sealing adhesive tape for secure sealing of the limiting attachment
⌧ Adheres securely to all smooth and rough grease-free surfaces
⌧ Flexible and self-adhesive - also with itself
⌧ can be formed into an adhesive ring
⌧ residue-free removable on the acrylic glass surface
Cooling complex Cooling liquid for acrylic glass
⌧ for cooling during the milling process
⌧ Avoidance of stresses in the material
⌧ not aggressive, does not attack acrylic glass surface
⌧ 1 litre in square bottle with dosing tip
⌧ unlimited shelf life
⌧ Also available in 30 litre containers - price on request

Set consists of:

- Round hole milling drill

- Limiting attachment transparent

- Sealing adhesive tape

- cooling flex

Request Quote for:

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Imprint and Copyright: Serrox Technischer Handel Roland Sättler, Reinheimer Str. 41, D-64372 Ober-Ramstadt. USt-ID: DE214747801.

+49 (0) 6154 575-001 +49 (0) 6154 575-002

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