Friday, 14 February 2025

Acrylic Surface : Stop profile for acrylic Aquariums

Stop profile for acrylic Aquariums

Ideal for aquarium glazing with acrylic glass. Completely water resistant, PMMA compatible. Compensates thickness tolerances of acrylic glass, and buffers the pressure of the acrylic glass pane on the concrete, so that the pane does not deform.
Thickness 15 mm. Three widths available: 60, 80 or 100 mm. Special widths on request.

Your benefits at a glance:

⌧ PMMA compatible
⌧ Water resistant
⌧ Takes up pressure
⌧ Buffer between acrylic glass and concrete
⌧ Three widths available
⌧ Special widths on request

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Imprint and Copyright: Serrox Technischer Handel Roland Sättler, Reinheimer Str. 41, D-64372 Ober-Ramstadt. USt-ID: DE214747801.

+49 (0) 6154 575-001 +49 (0) 6154 575-002

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