Friday, 14 February 2025

Acrylic Gluing : Adhesive Barrel Swivel

Adhesive Barrel Swivel

Glue drum swivel for 30-60 litre drums and hobbocks.
Mobile for easy and comfortable transport of the adhesive drums.
With tilting device for back-friendly, ergonomic dosing of the adhesive.

Your benefits at a glance:

⌧ Mobile
⌧ easy and convenient transport of adhesive drums
⌧ Ergonomic dosing that is gentle on the back

Request Quote for:

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Imprint and Copyright: Serrox Technischer Handel Roland Sättler, Reinheimer Str. 41, D-64372 Ober-Ramstadt. USt-ID: DE214747801.

+49 (0) 6154 575-001 +49 (0) 6154 575-002

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