Friday, 14 February 2025

Acrylic gluing: Mobile curing station

Acrylic gluing: Mobile curing station

The mobile and flexible solution for curing UV bonds in the workshop.

With our height-adjustable mobile UV curing station, you save valuable time and at the same time achieve professional results for perfectly cured UV adhesives, e.g. ACRIFIX® 1R 9016. The LEDs are adjusted to the optimal wavelength for curing the adhesive. This means that the UV curing station is not only powerful and reliable, but also extremely time-saving. With the timer function you can adjust the curing time individually, achieve optimal results and impress your customers with perfectly cured adhesive spots.

Your benefits at a glance:

⌧ Illumination by UV LEDs: wavelength 380 – 405 nm
⌧ No radiation exposure for employees
⌧ UV diffuser for even lighting from below
⌧ UV lens insensitive to ACRIFIX® 1R adhesives, no connection possible.
⌧ UV curing table can be moved with four wheels, 2 of which are lockable
⌧ Work surface height adjustable using scissor lift table: 386-1015 mm
⌧ UV lighting table removable
⌧ Curing time freely adjustable from 1 minute to 1 hour using the timer function
⌧ Work surface dimensions: approx. 1600 x 810 mm
⌧ Low power consumption thanks to LED technology
⌧ Two time-controlled 230V sockets for e.g. Serrox UV edge spotlights
⌧ Operating hours counter LEDs
⌧ Made in Germany


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+49 (0) 6154 575-001 +49 (0) 6154 575-002

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